Thursday, May 15, 2008

Using Negative Advertising to Acquire Annuity Prospects

How do you buy toothpaste? Is it because Colgate protects you with fewer cavities or because Crest has been shown to be effective in preventing tooth decay? What about cars? GM has just the one for you however; Ford claims their car is rated higher than the others.

Have you ever noticed that advertising is either negative or positive?

Negative advertising focuses on elevating an existing concern. Positive advertising focuses on the positive attributes of a company or product.

How are politicians elected? Do they emphasize their positive attributes? Do they play above the board and respect their opponents? Do they let the election stand on the record?


They attack, attack, and attack. They harp only the negative qualities of their opponent, both factual and perceived. The results pay off: Negative campaigning wins elections.

Negativity not only wins elections, it also sells products. By instilling distrust and fear into prospects, you can offer solutions to their worries. It can make you an enormous amount of money.

How do you use negative advertising to make money? It's easy. It requires a different approach than is traditionally used by insurance companies and agents. The Insurance industry focuses on establishing an image that comes across as professional and experienced. Agents emphasize how much training they have, how many degrees they've received, and how active they are in their communities. Typically, such advertising is a waste of time and money.

Look at your own experience. When was the last time you ran a company approved advertisement? How many calls did you have from it? We both know the answer to that question. If you had any at all, it's unlikely the results even began to pay for the cost of the ad.

Negative advertising is the key to your success. By talking about how good your company is with the usual claims in insurance advertising, you offer your target audience exactly what everyone else does: a boring sales pitch. Your target market doesn't want a sales pitch. They want solutions to their concerns. Emphasize what they're worried about, and you?ll grab their attention. By offering solutions to their problems, you offer them security and peace of mind.

Security and peace of mind is what is most important to seniors. How do you go about it? Recognize the enemy.

Who is the enemy? Old thinking! Here is an example, LTC salespeople.

Have you ever attended a LTC insurance seminar or a LTC sales meeting? Have you ever listened to a LTC ad on the radio? Do you ever wonder why sales for LTC insurance are so low, when it's so heavily touted as the next great market?

LTC is in fact a great market. It?s a market where an enormous amount of income can be made. However, it?s not easy to sell the insurance.

Selling annuities to seniors who are concerned about LTC, to protect their assets makes the money.

Nothing else is worth the effort.

Let's go back to advertising. When an LTC salesperson advertises, what is the message conveyed?

1. The many benefits their policies have to offer 2. The necessity for seniors to protect their assets 3. Fear: Seniors who don't own LTC will likely be confined to a nursing home where they won't be taken care of properly.

You've heard it all, no doubt. You may have even used some of these points yourself.

The goal is to attack the fear the LTC companies and salespeople instill. Structure ads which plant questions in the minds of our target audience about the competition, and attack LTC as a solution to their fear. This gets your prospect thinking about other possible solutions, other than LTC.

The goal is to create fear, uncertainty and doubt about the enemy.

The following are examples of negative ad headlines used to accomplish this:

? Find out why very few seniors need LTC insurance!
? Find out what LTC insurance companies don't want you to know!
? Find out what your LTC salesperson isn't telling you!
? How to cut your LTC insurance premiums in half!
? Save 50% on your LTC insurance premiums!
? Don't be a sucker! Find out if LTC really works!
? Get informed. LTC insurance isn't for everyone!

The ad provides information on how to contact your office.

Remember you don't want to jump into a sales presentation with these people. They need to be educated. When they schedule time with you, they'll be receptive to a solution that addresses their concerns: you in turn will have used your time productively.

Bill Broich is a 30 year annuity salesman who helps agents generate annuity leads. Visit his website to learn more --

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Annuity Lead Solving Means Happy Wife Happy Life

Have you ever been in the situation where you hate to go home after a hard day of selling insurance? I have.

I know what will be waiting for me, an unhappy wife. It is not that she is naturally that way; it is that she is worried about money, bills and the kids eating regularly.

If you sell anything on commissions then you fully understand. It can be feast or famine. I decided a long time ago to solve this issue. I wanted to come home to a happy wife and to leave the insurance business at the door.

I decided if I had more prospects to talk to than I could see then I would always have someone to sell to. I purposely over flooded my prospecting list with excessive prospects.

I used direct mail, referrals and seminars to provide them all for me. I always had more than enough prospects to see and often I would not get to all of them. Seems like a waste you say?

Not really. If you have an enormous amount of people who you could see then the fear of the Monday morning appointment scheduling was a thing of the past.

It was actually very easy to do and it has resulted in a lifetime of comfort when it comes to prospecting. Here is how I did it.

I borrowed enough money from the bank to fund a large direct mail program setup for 12 months in advance. I would mail 5,000 to 10,000 pieces a month with an average rate of response of 3.5%. The amount would vary based on time of the year such as the holidays. Here is the catch: If I had leads left over I could not get to because of the volume of the response, I would throw them all away. I could do so because I had flesh leads arriving in the mail almost daily. If someone did not want to see me or was hard to see I just chucked it.

It was almost like a breath of fresh air and an enormous amount of freedom. At the end of the year I added up my results and readjusted for the following year. At the end of the first year I calculated I had over 600 annuity leads that I could never get or about 50 a month.

What did I do, reduce my mailings? No I increased them by 50%.

The freedom of unlimited annuity leads for me was a breathy of fresh air. I also learned that if I had enough leads I could come home each night and I was happier which of course made my wife happier. The following year and each year afterward I have estimated that I have left 1,000 annuity leads uncalled and while it may seem a compete waste of time I look at it as the very best money I have ever spent. I have eliminated my need for someone to talk to about my insurance products and at the same time kept my home life happy.

A good lesson is this, ?Happy Wife, Happy Life.?

Bill Broich is a 30 year annuity salesman who helps agents generate annuity leads. Visit his website to learn more -


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Sunday, May 11, 2008

10 Little Known Insurance leads - Annuity Leads Marketing Secrets to Double Your Income in 2007

1. Failing to Market Your Business Effectively

This one is self-evident?or so we thought. The reality is 90-95% of all Insurance agents with whom we speak aren?t marketing at the level they can or should be, or just plain aren?t marketing at all! Many agents are in a comfort mode where they are living or dying off the referrals they may accidentally stumble onto. Most agents think they are marketing their services yet, when we ask for a specific, step-by-step marketing plan, the telephone usually goes dead for a minute.

Remember this statement, ?Marketing is the ONLY function of your business that makes you money! Every other function is an expense!?

Thus, if you are sitting back and waiting for a minor marketing miracle to happen and not optimizing your time, money or talents to become a top marketer in your field, you are causing yourself to lose thousands of dollars monthly. This could be one of the reasons why many agents drive cars that have over 150,000 hard traveled miles on them. I still believe insurance agents have a right to make a six-figure income and be able to enjoy life to the fullest. You need to be marketing every day to generate a steady flow of leads.

2. Not Fully Utilizing Your Invisible Insurance leads Asset

If you have been in the Insurance business for any amount of time, you have built up a substantial amount of goodwill among your clients. You have brought value and piece of mind to their lives. This asset, however, hasn?t been performing for you the way it should. We will show you how to convert your customers? goodwill into ready cash?and actually strengthen your customers? loyalty to you at the same time. And if you are new in the business and don?t have a client base we will show you how to use ?parasite marketing? to tap other professional sources within your community.

3. Using the Same Old Insurance leads and Annuity lead Ads that Get a Terrible Return

Ads, postcards, and direct-mail pieces cost you the same regardless of whether they bring in 1 new customer or 100. Knowing the secret techniques of creating award winning ads and direct-mail pieces can easily be the difference between driving an old car with 150,000 miles on it versus driving a brand new Mercedes, BMW or some other luxurious car. By testing and using dynamic headlines in all your marketing pieces (like postcards, ads, newsletters, flyers and direct mail pieces) your response can skyrocket by 1,800% and more. We will show you an easy 7-step method that anyone can use to create ads and direct-mail promotions that will bring in floods of new clients.

4. Failing to Customize your insurance lead Letters

I have had some outrageous responses from prospects and clients when I mail them a hand addressed envelope with a message pad sized ?While You Were Out? message saying, ?Evidently you didn?t get my message.? We have also experimented with several other sayings on the message sized pad ?While You Were Out? mailings that are great for annuity sales. Another agent we know uses this concept to recruit agents and has had a 75% response to his letters using the ?While You Were Out? message pad technique.

5. Relying on One Shaky Pillar for Insurance Marketing

What you want to strive for in your marketing strategy is to build strength through marketing diversity. Think of your business as a Greek Temple supported by numerous, sturdy pillars. Each of these pillars represents one aspect of your marketing campaign. For example, you could have pillars for direct sales, telemarketing, direct mail, postcards, flyers, endorsements, referrals, parasite marketing, and joint ventures. The reason that there are so many is if you have failure in one or more pillars you will always have a few pillars holding up your marketing program. We have had dozens of agents who tell us that if this home office flyer fails, they will be out of the business. This concept will almost guarantee you failure in this business. However, could you imagine the commissions you would generate if you combine a wide array of marketing approaches, stabilizing your business with several pillars?

6. Stunting the ?Growth? of Your Insurance Business

We have read countless books and attended dozens of seminars on how to increase your business. However, we have discovered just three ways to grow any business. Now you may think these techniques are too simple or don?t apply to your situation, but could you imagine if you actually implemented these as a foundation for your business?

1. INCREASE your average sale of an Insurance policy. Instead of quoting $82.00 per month round it off to $90.00 and give them more coverage.

2. INCREASE the number of clients. By doing consistent, target marketing to a niche market, you will increase your sales and client base dramatically.

3. INCREASE the frequency of repurchase. Always have other products you can sell your clients. Always contact your client at least every six months. A monthly, client newsletter will help you build your business. If you need a client newsletter check out our "Annuity Pro Lead Capture Web Page."

7. Investing Thousands of $$$ in the Wrong Insurance leads Ads

Before you invest thousands of hard earned dollars in direct mail, postcards or newspaper ads, wouldn?t it be great if you could know exactly which offer would pull in the most leads and qualified prospects?

What you need to do is conduct your own marketing test. Try mailing two or more versions of your sales letter or flyer to a small portion of your mailing lists you intend to use. One version of a letter might have a powerful headline along with a special free report titled ? 8 Secrets on How You Can Get the most Out of Your Retirement Years.? Also, hand-address the envelopes. Another version of the letter may have a different headline and different benefits. Then, after testing, you can mail the most effective letter to the entire mailing list with confidence.

By the way, if you can have your envelope hand-addressed or the prospect?s name typed on the envelope instead of using a label, you can sometimes increase your response by 15%. People today who receive an envelope with a label on it consider it junk mail.

8. Having a Poor Attitude

Having the right mental attitude will make your business work, no matter how many obstacles get pushed in your way. In any business, there will always be problems that come about and you need to address them. Deal with them immediately, and don?t wonder ?Why in the world do bad things always happen to me?? Bad things happen to everyone. Successful people just know how to work through them. For them, when they have a problem, they put on their work clothes and go to work. They don?t assume the end of the world is coming. Tony Robbins says that the definition of insanity is doing the same things you have always done and expecting to get different results.

Example: If you have been afraid to invest any money in marketing for yourself and continue to do that, your income will remain the same. If you never try to improve your sales presentation, letters or advertisements your results will remain the same.

However, if you are willing to test new marketing approaches and new products, your income will go up. If you will implement the following formula in every sales presentation, letter to your client, and advertisements you will greatly improve your income.

1. Get Attention!
2. Arouse interest and emotion.
3. Tell interesting stories that are believable.
4. Offer a reason to act?NOW!
5. Make it easy for people to take the action you want.

Remember, the most important thing you learn is to: GET PEOPLE?S ATTENTION!

9. Blaming Insurance Marketing ?Conditions? for your Lack of Success

Many Insurance agents who have failed in the Insurance business always blame someone or something for their failure or for a low income. If you want to be successful, not only in your business career but also in your life, you must own up to your shortcomings and realize that your success, or lack of it, is totally, 100% your responsibility!

Have you ever heard anyone, including yourself, say the following: ?It?s a slow time of the year. I think I?ll put more effort in my business after the first of the year. I?m really busy right now. I don?t have time for any new products or marketing techniques. I can?t afford to hire a secretary to do the $8.00 an hour office work that I?m currently doing myself. I tried an ad or flyer once and it didn?t work!?

All of these lame excuses are justification for not being more successful in the Insurance business. From this day forward, stop making excuses and start making things happen for yourself.

10. Not Offering Additional Insurance Products and Services to Your Customers.

It is a known fact that existing clients are far more likely to purchase from you than cold prospects. They will, at least give you a few minutes to offer additional services. Unlike prospects, your clients should trust you and enjoy doing business with you again. However, you must treat your clients with respect and they must be satisfied with your service. If you can provide your clients with the proper service, they can reward you for a lifetime with additional business and qualified referrals. Now let?s talk about specifics.

Many of you have clients or their friends who may be interested in alternative financial products that are safe and pay an excellent rate of return on their money! If that is true for you, our office can help you with several products you can use as an alternative to CD?s and Annuities.

Do you think if you mailed out a postcard offering a special report titled, ?10 Deadly Mistakes Most People Make when Planning for Retirement and How to Avoid them,? some of your clients might respond to this postcard and request a copy of the FREE report? Do you think some of the people who receive your FREE report, (which are essentially sales letters) might want to come into your office for an appointment to discuss these issues? Of course they will and when they do, guess whom they will ask to help them.

It should be obvious by now that if you had additional products or services to offer your clients, a percentage of them will want to hear about several of your new products.

Hope you have a great selling year in 2007.

Russ Jones
Creator of the "3-Step Postcard System"
Developer of the "Annuity Pro Lead Capture Web Page System"

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Friday, May 9, 2008

Medicaid Qualified Annuity, Buyer Beware and Agent Liability

The need for some clients to protect assets from Medicaid Spend down is obvious. It can be because of the well spouse?s needs, a handicap child or a myriad of good solid reasons. This is where the annuity salesperson come charging to the rescue.

Most agents know that certain types of annuities can avoid spend down and can provide protection for the assets in the annuity. These annuities have specific language to make them fully qualified under Medicaid rules. Most annuity contracts DO NOT contain the language to qualify for the Medicaid rules.

The monthly payout must be for the life expectancy of the annuitant. The annuity cannot have any free look in the contract and the value of the annuity is agreed by all parties to be zero. The only value of the annuity is the monthly income. These features are actually part of the contract and are allowed by 29 states in the US. It is sometime referred to as the ?name on the check rule.?

The personal liability comes into play when an agent does not fully understand the rules nor the process that must be adhered to in order to qualify the funds. An agent will sell ?just an annuity? explaining to the client the funds are safe from spend down. You have to ask yourself why would this happen? The reason is obvious, large commissions.

Commissions for the Medicaid spend down annuity are often very low while the commissions for a standard annuity are usually much higher. The agent will sell the concept of the annuity but provide a product that will never qualify for Medicaid spend down. This is where the liability issue comes to the surface. Of course by then the agent could be on to a different career or the obvious answer is ?I didn?t say that.?

At the time of need the client could be faced with additional stress and maximum exposure to exposed assets. This creates a very unfair situation for the client and the agent is almost never left holding the bag. Then of course there is this sales pitch and explanation.

Recently I ran into a situation where an annuity agent had sold a 17 year surrender contact to a widow aged 77. She was told that the annuity would protect all her assets and she could leave those assets to her children. In a couple of years she became ill and was in need of nursing home car and the annuity was the primary asset. Of course as a single person there was no way to protect the funds in the annuity and with the children, I called the agent. His reply was amazing, he said he knew the annuity was not going to be Medicaid qualified but it was not his problem, it was his ?errors and omissions? problem. He knowingly sold the product for the monstrous commission and had calculated the insurance company would make things right.

The client had to eventually cash in the huge surrender penalty annuity and suffer the losses. She was ill and not up to a fight with anyone and just wanted to be left alone.

The shame of this story is as annuity salespeople we are all considered guilty by the actions of a few. So here is my advice.

? Always work with an attorney who specializes in Medicaid planning

? Never call yourself a Medicaid specialist

? Never give legal advice

? If you sell a Medicaid qualified annuity make certain the contract will work in your state, ask the home office, they are there to help

And finally, be honest and open. Make certain the prospect understands exactly how a Medicaid Qualified Annuity works and how the benefits directly affect them and their personal situation.

Bill Broich is a 30 year annuity salesman who helps agents generate annuity leads. Visit his website to learn more -

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Use The Adwords Miracle To Get More Annuity Leads

Working with insurance agents over the years I have found one commonality? they fear technology. Of course, not all do, most of you reading this online article probably don?t? but in my experience I find fear of technology generally to be true. Some agents I work with still refuse to use email.

What they?re missing out on is an abundance of fresh, precision targeted leads that can only be found on the web.

I?m not talking about banner ads or pop-ups ads or email spam, which are so broad that they are rarely effective. I?m talking about keyword advertising. While there are many places to purchase keyword advertising Google?s Adwords system is by far the best. So what is keyword advertising? When you type in a search phrase, annuity leads for example, on Google you will be presented with one page displaying two types of similar results.


In the center you?ll find organic results, organic being that the sites did not have to pay to be listed. They?re simply relevant to the search phrase.


On the right hand column and directly above the middle results you will see other relevant results in boxes. Those are paid results. Companies pay by the click and bid against one another to be listed there.

The magic of keyword advertising is that you can target your ads directly to what people are searching for. If somebody types in annuities they are looking for annuity information. If they type in annuity agent Spokane, Washington for example, it?s obvious they are looking for a representative in the Spokane area to discuss annuities with. If somebody types in targeted phrases such as these the chances of converting the search to a lead are far, far greater than if somebody is perusing a general website and happens to see a banner ad for annuities. Make sense? In other words, people are looking for you.

Google charges by the click. Depending on your website, landing page and offer you can acquire reasonably priced leads. One offer I ran on Google averaged out to about $7.50 per lead. I converted roughly one in twenty-five to a sale. I made huge returns on my investment and the people wanted to see me. I did not have to sell anything? they were already in the market to purchase an annuity and I simply walked into their line of vision. Easy.

Now here is where the fear part comes in. How do you use Google Adwords? I?m not going to lie; it can be complex, especially if you?re inexperienced with internet advertising. I do not have enough space here to explain all the ins and outs. There can be a lot to it and the last thing I recommend is learning the hard way. You can lose a lot of money fast. To make it easier for you I read several e-books on the subject of setting up, running and maximizing adwords campaigns and the very best, most comprehensive book is Adwords Miracle. This book is not targeted to the insurance industry? it?s actually targeted toward affiliate marketers, but it is entirely useful and the same tips and tactics apply to our industry. In your mind simply substitute affiliate marketing with annuity marketing and presto, it?s 100% relevant.

The book is on the spendier side but with this you truly get what you pay more. You will save the money you spend on Adwords Miracle in the first week of running adwords. The book even covers landing pages and how to build in triggers to get higher conversion rates, which makes it truly invaluable. I heartily recommend Google?s Adword?s system for laser-targeted lead generation and Adwords Miracle as a map to get you there.

Bill Broich is a 30 year annuity salesman who helps agents generate annuity leads. Visit his website to learn more -

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Think Of Gathering Instead Of Accumulating For Annuity Sales

Client Gathering

Our goal is to extend our marketing effort with new relationships. These relationships should be with agents who have experience with selling products in the senior market. This vision is to build an interactive client base through the process of client gathering.

Client gathering is much different than client building which is a term associated with large career life insurance companies such as New York Life, Prudential etc. Client Building was a concept by which the agent grew with the client and as the client increased net worth and insurance needs changed the agent was there to provide the insurance products. Studies have shown that this concept when followed to the end would have provided a relationship with 7 direct sales and 20 indirect insurance sales over the course of the agent?s career. This type of selling is arduous and expensive plus it is not especially profitable. It is however profitable for the insurance company because it allows for the careful spacing of different age brackets of the insured. The agent in effect has used his career and effort to make certain the insurance company has hedged itself against changes in attitudes by a single person by spreading out the risk over many different people.

Client gathering is much different. Client gathering is collecting people at the end of their careers when their accumulation process is ending and the need for stabilization becomes the goal.

That is what we do, stabilize.

Everyone at one some time of their lives needs to run to safety. Safety falls into three possible categories.

? Banks or financial institutions
? United States Treasury
? Insurance Company Annuities

Our goal is to assist the client into repositioning their assets into the most stable positions while earning the best possible yield. This is done by educating the client on the benefits they will enjoy with each of these products.

The process of education centers on understanding how the client feels about their life and how their assets could be used to accomplish their goals. By understanding how a prospect feels about their personal assets allows us to determine exactly how safety and security can play a part.

When a prospect decides that safety is the more important goal with their finances then providing stabilization becomes the most important agenda.

Stabilize for safety.

Bill Broich is a 30 year annuity salesman who helps agents generate annuity leads. Visit his website to learn more -


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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Generating Insurance And Annuity Leads Using Squidoo Marketing

Heard of Squidoo? I?ve only been using it a few weeks, but the website has major buzz and justifiably so. The site is an incredible marketing tool. Basically it?s a web page builder? You can build what they call lenses which are simply web pages. Your lense can be about any topic you choose. It could be a professional bio, an article about insurance, maybe you want to review an annuity product or you simply want to show off pictures of your grandkids or pets.

You?re probably saying, great. I can build webpages. Big deal. What you really want to know is how Squidoo can help you get more leads and make you more money. When you setup a Squidoo lens pick search engine key words and phrases people are searching for. You can get a general estimate of keywords people are plugging in on the search engines and how many searches a word or phrase gets every month by using this keyword tool.

Type in annuity here and you?ll see the number of monthly phrases and other related keywords.

These constitute the number of searches performed on Yahoo. Google tends to run 50-100% higher. Plus you have engines like MSN, AskJeeves and the others which provide even more searches.

If ?Annuity? is the key phrase you?d like you would want to attempt to secure Granted that?s a highly desirable word and (I?ve checked) it?s already taken. But why not secure phrases close to your area? why not grab.

(Note: For some reason unclear to me the Yahoo keyword tool only returns singular words. That doesn?t mean there aren?t plural searches as well? don?t discount plural words and phrases because there doesn?t appear to be searches.)

Google and the other major search engines love Squidoo and tend to rank Squidoo pages very high on their search results. If you get a good ranking and take the time to write useful, original copy with your contact information you will likely pick up leads.

Squidoo is fairly straight-forward and easy to use, but it can take a while to learn. I ended up reading a short very well-written manual to help me navigate the Squidoo system. Check it out: Squidoo Marketing

Squidoo is just another tactic in the neverending quest to obtain leads. It should be a part of a comprehensive annuity lead generating and selling system, not used as the sole method for attracting new business. The best part about Squidoo is that it costs you nothing. It's 100% free to use.

Bill Broich is veteran annuity salesman who helps agents generate annuity leads and close more sales. Visit his website for more information: Annuity

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Annuity Marketing Tactics To Sell More Annuities

I mean it, selling annuities is the easiest sale in the insurance industry. It is all a matter of positioning and having a focus. The focus is simple: numbers. Having lots of people to see and tell the annuity story to is the secret. Leads and lots of them is all that it takes.

Insurance agents all have one thing in common, who can I see today? Many agents even have such a fear of not having anyone to talk to that it makes them almost paranoid. The solution is very simple, do more marketing. Remember, it is all about numbers.

Here is how to do it. Decide on a target market such as seniors age 65 and above as an example. Your target market can be almost anything such as any age group, any income and any asset level. Once you have located your target market then place your marketing plan in motion.

The marketing plan can be built around many different approaches so for the sake of simplicity let?s use direct contact (direct mail.) With your selected target market decide on a subject that will be of interest to this group. A sample topic may topics like this:

? Reduce your social security taxable income
? Protect your assets from nursing home expenses
? New rules regarding your IRA and how to reduce taxes
? Avoid probate cost for your heirs
? Etc. Etc. Etc.

Next select a service to do the marketing so the actual work is outsourced. Numerous choices are available and trying several will help you select one which fits your geographical area and personal approach. A simple Google Search will locate several choices but my personal favorites are (America?s Recommended Mailers, Kramer Mailing Services and Russ Jones)

Next do this, mail 5,000 mailers a month for a solid year. Do not stop and do not evaluate the program for the whole year. Be focused and do not quit. The cost will be approximately $1,300 a month and you should expect a return of about 2%.

Take the expected returns of 100 leads and have a professional telemarketer set your appointments (cost should be about $10 and a little spiff to her/him will go a long way, start small and bonus). If averages hold, you can expect approximately 40 quality leads a month or an average of 10 a week. The leads that you are unable to see place in a drip system and have your telemarketer recall every 2 months for a year. Working 10 quality leads a week for the work year will provide you with 1 (one) sale and the drip system will provide ? sale every other month.

The total sales you should make is 52 plus 6 from the drip system for a total of 58 a year. Next calculate your average premium per sale and for this you may use the industry average of $37,000. Multiply the $37,000 times the 58 sales and your total premium will be $2,146,000.

Multiply the premium ($2,146,000) times the average commission of 7% (varies and should be higher) and your gross income will be $152,220. Now subtract your cost of leads (12 months times $1,300 = $15,600) from the gross income and that will leave you a net income after sales cost of $136,620. You also need to average in the cost of the telemarketer and that will depend on your personal situation but a good rule of thumb should be $500 or so a month.

An annual income of $136,620 will place you in the top .6% of income earners in the United States. And it is all done with a simple process based on numbers. One important type is this; throw away the leads that you cannot reach and those who want to be contacted later. By throwing away the leads will set you free, truly.

There it is, simple, easy and totally manageable. Oh, one other thing, it is very profitable.

Bill Broich is a 30 year annuity salesman who helps agents generate annuity leads. Visit his website to learn more -

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Saturday, May 3, 2008

Annuity Marketing Through Gender Separation

These are really interesting when you break them down. The differences between how men and women look at life. Here are some thoughts.

REMOTE CONTROL. Female.... A device for changing from one TV channel to another. Male... A device for scanning through all 375 channels every 5 minutes.


Female... The open sharing of thoughts and feelings with one's partner. Male... Leaving a note before going drinking with the guys.

Gender selling, is there a different approach? Here are my experiences: Selling annuities can also be separated based on the gender of your prospect. If you are selling to a single female (senior) safety and security is at the top of the list and trying to sell indexed annuities is not a good idea.

Single men are much the same way, generally safety and security is important and I have found that single men are always interested in how much of a monthly income they receive at some future point in time. Single females don?t seem to have this concern.

Now put them together and a whole new chemistry is developed. The male always wants to know how much can they make and to the female it is less important. In a married couples situation an indexed annuity almost always will win and it may have something to do with the hunter/gatherer/nest builder syndrome.

I am not being sexist here, but based on my experiences, men are hunter gatherers and women are nest builders. A nest builder goes through three stages, build the nest (early family), keep the nest tidy (family years) and clean out the nest (later in life).

So it is important to sell to the situation, married couples will almost always have an interest in indexed annuities because of the thoughts and needs of the male. Focus on upswing and yield as a benefit.

? Single females will almost always want safety and security and would not be a good target for an indexed annuity. Focus on safety and security.
? Single males will always have an interest in future income so focus on the benefit of annuitization.
? Married couples will almost always have more interest in how the money can grow. This can always be accessed by who is talking the most. If the husband talks the most then it is an indexed annuity sale. If it is the wife talking the most, then safety and security is the benefit to focus on.

By separating sales concepts via gender separation will in fact provide you an edge in selling annuities. Whatever you do always focus on the benefits an annuity can provide and how those benefits can be of use to your prospects.

Bill Broich is a 30 year annuity salesman who helps agents generate annuity leads. Visit his website to learn more - Annuity marketing


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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Secret Phrase for Annuity Selling

Selling annuities and being able to sell tons of them boils down to a simple concept, being polite. We all want to be nice and want people to be nice to us but being polite is different. I have used this concept for my entire sales life and not only does it work but it becomes the basis of a business plan that is not taught in business schools. And yet it is the full basis for any successful relationship, be polite. How do we use it in our business plan to convert it to sales. If you are basing your sales efforts on building relationships then you are not an annuity salesperson, you are an order taker, an amateur not a professional. How do we begin this process? We do it by learning an very important phrase. A phrase that will transcend your selling efforts to actually becoming a salesperson. What is that phrase and how does it help you to become more successful? The important phrase to learn is ?would it be a bother?? Would it be a bother? What is this actually saying? It is saying may I have permission. It is saying I am polite. It is a link from one subject to another and a powerful tool to change and control a relationship. It does have some limitations and those limitations have to do with your desired target market. If you are working with people who were in their early 20?s during the Korean War, World War II and older as a target market, this is complete power. This generation operated on the premise of ?politeness? ?Would it be a bother? Is based on being polite and can bridge any two subjects and allow you to dig deeper into the relationship. Try this?.?I know Mrs. Jones that you are not in the market for my services but ?Would it be a bother? if I can over this afternoon and just introduced myself?? Dead mortal cinch she will say yes?if she is in this target market age group. You are really asking permission to change a relationship from looking at you as an outsider to one where you may become a friend. ?Would it be a bother? is a bridge from one topic to another and a method to explore more fact finding questions and to seek answers based on how your prospect actually feels. Adopt this attitude into your selling and it will become part of your life. Being polite is the secret of developing suspects to prospects to clients. Once a relationship is developed on being polite almost any question can be asked. With the freedom to ask feeling questions begins the basis of selling annuities. ? Politeness ? Feelings ? Relationships ? Suspects to prospects to clients. It is this approach that sets the true professionals form the rank amateurs. Amateurs make $5ok a year; professionals make $5ok a month. Learn this approach and join the ranks. Bill Broich is a 30 year annuity salesman who helps agents generate annuity leads. Visit his website to learn more - Annuity Selling

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More Bottom Life Profits by Hiring a Specialist to Evaluate Your Annuity

While watching golf on TV the other day I was inspired by the name on the hat that Phil Michelson wore. I Googled them and found out they were business consultants. Their expertise was consulting with medium to large companies to evaluate their business practices and to locate bottom line methods to increase profit. I thought how in the world did I miss this for my little annuity business.

I hired a business consultant to look at all aspects of my business and help me make better business decisions so I can be just like GM, Boeing and United Airlines. The overall cost was a little more than $5,000 and I spent about 2 days answering questions and filling out questionnaires. All the information was entered into their computer and it must have cranked on it for at least a day. The report was mind-blowing; things I had never even considered were introduced to me.
They had evaluated all my expenses and the bottom line were these ideas.

? Send E cards and save on postage.
? Buy all my stationary in bulk based on a 12 month need.
? Use only ATMs that have no fees.
? Cancel magazine subscriptions and use the internet for my news.
? Cancel my whole life insurance policy and replace it with term.
? Make my 2 employees coshare their health insurance cost.
? Cut back on Starbucks and make coffee at the office, quit going out to the coffee shop.
? Buy copy paper in bulk one pallet at a time and make the stationary company store it for me until I need it

I read all 99 of their suggestions and thought... not no, but Hell No!

Who wants to live like that? Who wants to be that extreme. What should I do if I want to have a better bottom line? It was very easy, see only 10 more people in a year and this will result in 1 ? more annuity sales. Based on my average care size of $77,000 this would provide an additional $10,000 to my bottom line. Only 10 more new seens a year! How simple is that?

Here is my plan for expense reduction?.DON?T!!! Life is way to short for this type of bottom line drive.

When your whole focus is on reduction and not sales you become very negative and not proactive. We are annuity salesmen and we need to be active and proactive.

One terrific tax benefit I did receive from my consultant, I got to write off his consulting fee. My attitude is that it is much simpler to sell than to reduce.

Bill Broich is a 30 year annuity salesman who helps agents generate annuity leads. Visit his website to learn more -
#BREAK# #TITLE#Attention Annuity Salespersons - Control Your Own Destiny#/TITLE#

Sales organizations love to sign you up. Contracting you is one of their greatest joys and why shouldn?t it be. You do the work, you invest your money and they get the cream of the overrides. What do they invest in you?Oh yes I know?.Service! In my book, service is a synonym for greed.

Answer these questions:

? How many times have you had an annuity marketing company attempt to recruit you?

? How many telephone calls and emails do you get each week from annuity marketers?

? How many times has a marketing company offered you free leads as an incentive to contract?

? How many times has a marketing company offered you their ?secret? CD to learn what how the big boys do it?

    Insider Secret Number 1:
You control your contracts Here is my very first rule and one I hope you will adopt. Get a pre-release letter! When you contract with a marketing company they forget to tell you about being released in the future!

? What if your situation changes?

? What if you found a marketing system better suited to your personal situation?

? What if you wanted a change?

? What if we did not satisfy your marketing needs?

? How do you get released?

Do not become a slave to your FMO, demand the pre-release, they all will do it!

    Insider Secret Number 2:
Most annuity sales marketing organizations do not know how to sell annuities. It is the old saying.. Those that can?t sell, TEACH!

Learn how to sell annuities and how actually market yourself and your business from ?those that do.? This is an easy topic to check out, just ask your FMO how they would make a sale in a specific situation and their answer is always based on product. Try it and see for yourself. If you are committed to working with an FMO, also hire yourself a coach, one who has sold and who can sell. This is the very easiest direction.

    Insider Secret Number 3:
Insurance company products are designed for only one reason, to maximize profit to the insurance company.

The newest, latest and greatest annuity is just a new wrapper around the same old product. The insurance company buys bonds to guarantee the performance and no matter how you look at it, the yield and the annuities are all in the same arena. Just more sizzle. If you chase the new products you will be just that ?a chaser.?

Chasers never build a practice, never have anything worthwhile to sell to their clients other than the newest wrapper on the same product.

Be different! Sell annuities based on the benefits they can provide to the owner. The real reason to buy an annuity is not based on yield but on benefits.

Learn these secrets and do as much for yourself as possible. Rely on the FMO as little as possible.

Bill Broich is a 30 year annuity salesman who helps agents generate annuity leads. Visit his website to learn more -

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