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Most agents lose tons of sales because they are so obsessed with talking they forget to listen. They need to tell all about their products features and how great it all is. They can never wait to make their point about how much an annuity can yield. Product Product Product.
The problem is simple, the prospect just doesn?t care. The features of an insurance product are secondary and nothing more. Selling product features makes you an amateur. If you want to be an order taker, go to work for the bank, that is what the tellers do, follow and take orders. Focusing on the ?selling of the product? is what bank clerks do, fill an order.
How do you set yourself apart? Listen and focus on what the prospect is saying because they will always tell you how they feel. Once you understand how they feel then you can provide a product that fits their needs. It is such a simple process, listen and quit talking.
It couldn?t be simpler or more difficult. We all want to talk when in fact listening is a far better way to sell. By asking simple probing questions that elicit a feeling answer is how you place the benefits of the product in line with the feelings of the prospect.
A very simple method of ?feeling? selling is basing the sale on building the relationship. This is easily done by using a track to run on. I prefer a fact finder one in which I can follow a script with the questions in order.
Ask yourself, am I an amateur or am I a professional? Professionals develop relationships based on client needs and amateurs spend their time talking and selling products. Professionals focus their time learning their client needs compared to amateurs who use the sales approach. It is not about the products, it is how the benefits of the product can fill the needs of the prospect. The more questions that can be asked and answered will build the relationship the quickest.
Listen, probe, question?sell.
Bill Broich is a 30 year annuity salesman who helps agents generate annuity leads. Visit his website to learn more - Annuity Sales Leads
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