Friday, March 28, 2008

Successful Annuity Selling by Becoming a Barber

Have you ever considered the experience in getting a haircut to the marketing of annuities? They are very similar in the process.

Many agents call me and want me to help a specific case with all sorts of contingency issues. The agent wants to make the sale and if he could get some help on a certain point then the prospect will surely buy. Generally this is a situation where the issues are not as clear and the agent thinks. My experience has shown that resistance to buying is based on one thing?a lousy fact finder.

When I encounter this issue in my own practice and a prospect I think should buy will not then I just use the ?barber syndrome.?


It is so much easier to move on to another sales situation than to beat a dead horse to death. Put your energies to work in marketing and finding new prospects than worrying about one prospect. If they haven?t bought after you presented the solution developed in the fact finder?they are never going to buy from you.

The idea of firing the prospect and moving to the next one is totally liberating. It puts you as the salesperson in control and makes the business model work so much better. Our products are not for everyone and our prospects situation can never be put into a prefabricated mold. By retaining control over who you do business with gives you an attitude of control and professionalism. Do not be afraid to fire a prospect and move on. There is always someone else to see and someone else to tell our story too.


Bill Broich is a 30 year annuity salesman who helps agents generate annuity leads. Visit his website to learn more -

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